Demolisher I

Uncommon Weapon
Credit Value: $38,600
132 to 264 Damage / 18 Seconds
-0.4s Movement Cooldown
+6% Critical Damage
+8 Hit Chance
+2.4% Damage
+2 Stun Chance

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  13
Faction: Rift
No players currently have this item equiped

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
6/15/2021 Soda3 TooToxic 100 $75,000 Blue
5/13/2017 iSmooth XxXXGODXXxX 43 $45,000 Blue
5/8/2017 ohnoidied iSmooth 43 $2,426 Gray
5/6/2017 iSmooth ohnoidied 43 $45,000 Gray
4/23/2017 Zoltar iSmooth 43 $4,999 Gray