Matter Inverter XXX

Ultimate Weapon
Credit Value: $1,118,600
533 to 1066 Damage / 20 Seconds
+14 Critical Chance
+14% Critical Damage
+24.5 Hit Chance
+8% Damage

Requires Level 30

Item Score:  373
Faction: Pirate

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
10R MURK Xenocide 0
adrinn The Dynasty vault 0
awtrainwreck MURK Xenocide 0
billybonz 0
chatkilla BAMF BAMF 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
3/11/2020 KrytonRD KapetanY 100 $12,500,000 Gray
9/25/2019 bpbkforlife Hermia 101 $12,000,000 Green
8/4/2019 (Noob) tomlinson25 100 $10,000,000 Gray
6/3/2019 AloneAsAGod psyshow 100 $10,000,000 Gray
1/8/2019 (Noob) Zeus484 101 $6,999,999 Gray