Cataclysm VII

Legendary Weapon
Credit Value: $403,500
90 to 180 Damage / 8 Seconds
Repairs 5% of Max Hull / 30 Seconds

+300 Hull Capacity
+15% Metal Hull Repair
+15 Evasion
+15 Grapple Resist

Requires Level 20

Item Score:  135
Faction: Heteroclite

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
ArmedJ311Y Stoner Dissension Stoner Dissension 0
hellsrevenge 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
2/11/2023 djole ArmedJELLY 89 $126,400 Blue
9/6/2019 LibertyBelle ArkFern 100 $550,000 Red
8/9/2019 DoK Zeus484 100 $250,000 Gray
5/20/2019 (Noob) DoK 100 $1,000,000 Gray
4/18/2019 (Noob) Bu11dog 100 $400,000 Gray