Auto Cannon XIII

Ultimate Weapon
Credit Value: $1,106,700
76 to 152 Damage / 5 Seconds
+14 Critical Chance
+14 Hit Chance
+8% Damage

Requires Level 30

Item Score:  369
Faction: Pirate
No players currently have this item equiped

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
6/17/2020 jackl6 CptCroox 43 $5,000,000 Blue
1/28/2019 ThePatryn Skoalring 100 $4,000,000 Gray
1/26/2019 Superman1333 ThePatryn 100 $3,500,000 Gray
1/21/2019 (Noob) Superman1333 100 $4,000,000 Gray