Burst Cannon XXX

Ultimate Weapon
Credit Value: $1,118,600
80 to 160 Damage / 3 Seconds
+14% Critical Damage
+24.5 Hit Chance
+8% Damage

Requires Level 30

Item Score:  373
Faction: Pirate

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
11koki11 Vojnici Svjetla Mandalore 0
a75 MURK Xenocide 0
amduscia MURK Xenocide 0
B1OM3S The Anarchist Mandalore 0
bribot The Anarchist Mandalore 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
9/4/2021 BoMb DeadbodyzZ 100 $15,000,000 Gray
12/15/2018 (Noob) 0MEGA 100 $12,000,000 Gray
12/15/2018 (Noob) psyshow 100 $12,000,000 Gray
12/8/2018 AloneAsAGod Zunie 100 $11,000,000 Gray