Matter Inverter II

Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $87,000
160 to 320 Damage / 20 Seconds
+6 Critical Chance
+6% Critical Damage
+10.5 Hit Chance

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  29
Faction: Pirate
No players currently have this item equiped

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
2/9/2022 VuaPlanet MADSPLATTT 42 $25,000 Blue
10/10/2020 (Noob) HarveyHut04 52 $150,000 Gray
6/24/2020 BayouBadBoy Drone147 51 $60,000 Gray
4/23/2020 BlueZanzibar newstart49 42 $100,000 Gray
12/12/2019 mitchtheman1 BlueZanzibar 42 $20,000 Gray