Rapture V

Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $87,900
30 to 60 Damage / 3 Seconds
Repairs 3% of Max Hull / 30 Seconds

+9 Resource Capacity
+75 Hull Capacity
+9% Metal Hull Repair
+3 Stun Resist
+3 Grapple Resist

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  30
Faction: Heteroclite

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
AltCorp Engineer Leviathan 0
Anewbus 0
Archeantuss 0
Beauvan 0
BludDog DevilsRejects DevilsRejects 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
4/18/2023 Poka warweed 63 $175,800 Green
1/28/2023 grimreeper Poka 63 $6,090 Green
7/16/2022 3xcalIIbuR madevil 45 $45,000 Gray
1/25/2022 Soncoya AlphaQup 49 $99,000 Gray
1/20/2022 muddblower Soncoya 49 $50,000 Gray