Wyvern VI

Legendary Weapon
Credit Value: $403,000
42 to 84 Damage / 4 Seconds
+5 Critical Chance
+15% Critical Damage
+10 Splash Chance
+5 Stun Chance

Requires Level 20

Item Score:  135
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
gfox 0
JONYXD111 Salt and Pepper 0
MizuKage 0
NovaTwo 0
SilkstreamIV 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
4/7/2022 squidalt5 23Enigma 100 $142,945 Gray
3/2/2022 yahoomail (Noob) 40 $405,000 Blue
2/1/2022 Nightmre squidalt5 100 $300,000 Gray
7/9/2021 mrbr0wn NCJoe97 56 $94,254 Gray
5/21/2021 Hermia (Noob) 100 $500,000 Green