Serpent VII

Rare Weapon
Credit Value: $88,500
79 to 158 Damage / 7 Seconds
+3 Critical Chance
+3% Critical Damage
+4.5 Hit Chance
+6 Splash Chance
+3 Stun Chance

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  30
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
demjeon 0
EviIMorty 0
sypractice 0
winger The Redemption The Redemption 0
Worcog 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
11/7/2022 11Bravo xxkillxx1 51 $25,000 Red
8/28/2021 (Noob) HarveyHut05 20 $150,000 Gray
9/23/2019 Rei ChickenGyro 19 $25,000 Gray
6/19/2019 vulpix EviIMorty 61 $25,000 Red
1/16/2019 IndustriousQ n000b 41 $7,500 Gray