Behemoth XIV

Legendary Weapon
Credit Value: $407,000
272 to 544 Damage / 17 Seconds
+5 Critical Chance
+15% Critical Damage
+15 Hit Chance
+20 Splash Chance
+5% Damage
+15 Grapple Chance

Requires Level 20

Item Score:  136
Faction: Wyrd Empire
No players currently have this item equiped

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
3/18/2021 Jar JAXaRipper 59 $99,999 Gray
3/10/2021 niceboy Jar 56 $60,000 Red
9/13/2020 pickles9878 BashAndSlash 100 $300,000 Gray
6/30/2020 GAT0R Carlosc105 26 $15,492 Green
4/24/2020 BankOfBeurs originaldc3 100 $400,000 Gray