Vaporizer XV

Legendary Weapon
Credit Value: $607,500
83 to 166 Damage / 5 Seconds
-1s Movement Cooldown
+10% Critical Damage
+10 Hit Chance
+2.5% Damage
+5 Stun Chance

Requires Level 20

Item Score:  203
Faction: Rift

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
Raziel735 The Old Republic High Society 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
4/19/2020 yo MRIBank 94 $700,000 Gray
12/19/2019 scottyville yo 93 $150,000 Red
4/23/2017 Snap ScottysGarry 80 $585,858 Gray
6/10/2014 Ballbag (Noob) 100 $500,000 Gray