Desolator V

Uncommon Weapon
Credit Value: $39,400
30 to 60 Damage / 3 Seconds
-0.4s Movement Cooldown
+4 Critical Chance
+4 Hit Chance
+0.6% Damage
+2 Stun Chance

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  14
Faction: Rift

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
Amethyst The Forgotten 0
ApolIyon 0
OpaAussie 0
Plazma 0
turkey4u Imperial Fleet Imperial Fleet 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
12/17/2023 3xcalIIbuR Skalli 33 $12,500 Red
7/10/2023 (Noob) NorCal707 64 $125,000 Red
3/15/2023 (Noob) cviolette88 100 $7,500 Green
2/20/2023 Ncrv boots 28 $50,000 Red
1/19/2023 3xcalIIbuR Ncrv 28 $12,500 Gray