Rare Harvester
Credit Value: $108,000
4 Harvest Capacity
70s Harvest Speed

-0.34s Movement Cooldown
+2.5 Evasion
+7.5 Splash Chance
+11 Stun Resist

Requires Level 10

Item Score:  36
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
Decagon 0
JimBobson 0
Nightshade34 Gods of Chaos Gods of Chaos 0
UssReaper 0
Zamruel 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
9/20/2020 immutablebox (Noob) 100 $25,000 Gray
9/17/2020 Soda3 immutablebox 100 $50,000 Gray
3/11/2019 Dreamer sledgehammer 100 $75,000 Green
2/27/2019 (Noob) TribForce 93 $200,000 Green
2/17/2019 5FDP (Noob) 100 $605,000 Gray