Eradicator XXX

Ultimate Weapon
Credit Value: $1,667,400
533 to 1066 Damage / 20 Seconds
+1 EquipPoints
-1.4s Movement Cooldown
+21% Critical Damage
+28 Hit Chance
+8.4% Damage

Requires Level 30

Item Score:  556
Faction: Rift

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
77KILL MURK Xenocide 0
antm1 T3RRA TERRA 0
badbeeson BAMF BAMF 0
BigThreat 0
briguy5 The Anarchist Mandalore 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
11/29/2021 MADSPLATTT SkyWombat 100 $13,000,000 Gray
10/10/2021 CptCroox2 MADSPLATTT 100 $10,000,000 Blue
9/28/2020 Sinatra1 Extinct 100 $9,000,000 Blue
8/12/2019 BadExample (Noob) 100 $12,000,000 Gray
5/6/2019 smokesw33d dirtyharry 100 $9,999,995 Red