SharpMike's Fighters
12 Fighters

Name Type Rarity Race Level
Eysikukhe the FrozenSentryApprenticeIce Golem6
He Who Plucks FlowersBerserkerApprenticeHuppo10
Kloudorm the UpheavalEnforcerApprenticeStorm Golem6
Matthew the WreckedRoninApprenticeFrost Giant20
Roykhar the ScorchedGuardianApprenticeFire Golem6
Alval the LoamSentryVeteranEarth Golem15
Bitez the GlazedSentinelVeteranIce Golem20
Fayid the CharringGuardianVeteranFire Golem20
Borez the AlgidGuardianVeteranIce Golem1
SharpMikeHeroExaltedFire Giant20 - 4
Leirnir the SolidBowmanExaltedSkeleton20 - 3
Tabitha the SoggyMageApprenticeHuman12