Screamer XIX

Precursor Weapon
Credit Value: $702,600
58 to 116 Damage / 3 Seconds
+6 Critical Chance
+6 Hit Chance
+24 Splash Chance
+6% Damage

Requires Level 25

Item Score:  235
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
chaosIV 0
mattenias 0
Tanfk The Degenerates 0
Tsieadin T3RRA TERRA 0
WickedJill 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
8/15/2021 Origin Lakea 100 $4,500,000 Green
8/28/2018 mRguns Nyxassassin 100 $4,500,000 Green
1/8/2017 EvilStar littelguns 100 $2,500,000 Red
12/25/2015 Tanfk Dondarrion 95 $3,250,000 Red
10/7/2015 Criswud83 (Noob) 100 $1,800,000 Gray