Matter Inverter III

Uncommon Weapon
Credit Value: $26,200
173 to 346 Damage / 20 Seconds
+4 Critical Chance
+4% Critical Damage
+7 Hit Chance

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  9
Faction: Pirate

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
Angelwing 0
Azurik 0
Candykisses The Warriors Misfits 0
insidiousbat 0
JPM580 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
7/10/2023 264IDSZac LordyStoragy 40 $126,400 Red
2/6/2022 iSmooth MADSPLATTT 40 $9,900 Blue
10/24/2021 weedee (Noob) 44 $5,000 Blue
10/17/2021 RaoulDuke Jitters 34 $2,000 Red
10/15/2021 reno1983 iSmooth 40 $1,048 Gray