Banshee VI

Legendary Weapon
Credit Value: $403,000
53 to 106 Damage / 5 Seconds
+5 Critical Chance
+15% Critical Damage
+20 Splash Chance
+5 Grapple Chance

Requires Level 20

Item Score:  135
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
binderclitz mikehuntz alt The Pits Lock 0
DarkTal 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
8/13/2021 mrtrader Ariana77 99 $806,000 Red
10/4/2019 Bruar SpacePilot 100 $300,000 Blue
9/30/2019 Benham74 Balorseye 36 $250,000 Gray
9/26/2019 BankOfBeurs Benham74 36 $200,000 Gray
12/21/2018 tomlinson25 HummingBird 100 $500,000 Blue