Serpent IV

Uncommon Weapon
Credit Value: $26,400
65 to 130 Damage / 7 Seconds
+2 Critical Chance
+2% Critical Damage
+3 Hit Chance
+4 Splash Chance
+2 Stun Chance

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  9
Faction: Wyrd Empire

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
alieneczek 0
bigcountry85 0
blacktale 0
deadomen 0
Gromth Imperial Fleet HQ Men of Chaos 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
6/27/2021 timbo PatrickR6 17 $999 Red
6/12/2021 Solar Doom67 45 $1,188 Gray
4/20/2021 Sassycuteguy (Noob) 50 $1,500 Blue
3/27/2021 timbo Oncidium 36 $1,999 Gray
11/24/2020 MUFC tztr 61 $1,611 Gray