
Uncommon Special
Credit Value: $46,400
Flayer-Class Ships
10% chance to not deplete asteroids
10% chance of resource bonus from kills
2x experience bonus from harvesting

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  16

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
apphole 0
arcaydia008 blacksails 0
bortchi 0
ImperialLord 0
jacksparrow3 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
8/17/2023 (Noob) blackpaarl 100 $275,000 Gray
2/2/2023 Jar (Noob) 100 $199,000 Gray
5/4/2022 SLauGhTeR bortchi 100 $150,000 Gray
8/23/2020 newstart49 darkmetal 100 $250,000 Green
2/18/2020 DCLXVI DeadShadow 100 $300,000 Green