Alien Hunter

Uncommon Special
Credit Value: $46,400
Battleship-Class Ships
Minor Resource and loot drop bonus
+4% damage versus aliens

Requires Level 5

Item Score:  16

Who has this item equipped

Player Corp Alliance Server
calibyrd 0
CaptMing 0
CrazySkip 0
CybrogTX3 0
Dondarrion NECRO The Shire 0

Price history on this equipment item

Last Sale Seller Name Buyer Name Durability End Price Server
11/27/2020 reaperDEwar6 conway7474 100 $200,000 Red
5/28/2020 PhoenixC579 garikeeper 100 $100,000 Red
10/16/2019 rstln AloneAsAGod 100 $25,000 Gray
10/16/2019 rstln DirtyQuack 100 $25,000 Gray
10/16/2019 rstln antm1 100 $25,000 Blue